* ‘Christmas’ is a registered trademark of Hallmark Family Entertainment, a subsidiary of Hallmark Cards, and is used with permission.
Of course, this is all presuming I make it to the airport alive.
I was hit with the flu on Christmas Day - the gift that keeps on giving - and have been mainlining the Lemsip ever since. I’ve also developed a new technique I call ‘freebase Lemsip’, which you may want to try at home if you’re suffering with cold or flu. Basically, you crack open a couple of the Max Strength capsules and gently burn the powder inside, trying to inhale, via an empty plastic bottle with the bottom cut off, as much of the resultant gas as possible.
Don’t worry if you accidentally snort some of the flaming nodules; so long as you remember to wedge a slice of lemon between your teeth to bite down on you won’t pass out. For extra effect, try rubbing some Benylin syrup on your gums too, or keep some of that Vicks vapour stuff close to hand to rub on your face after the initial hit.
There, free, 100% FDA approved, medical advice on Day Month Year; don’t say I never give you nothing. And here, apropos of nothing, are some nice pictures of Jake Gyllenhaal:
Hmm. Jake really should do more nature programs like that tidal wave one. He's so talented - maybe something for Discovery where he spends the show naked and covered in horse ejaculate. See, I have loads of ideas! Someone in TV give me a budget and I guarantee I’ll give you a hit!
Anyway, Happy New(s) Year to you, frockbonkers.
Celebrate irresponsibly and without a thought for anyone outside of yourself. Special shouts go to Adrian, Neuro and Zoomtard and some others who had a party last night without me (imagine!) since I was busy at work.
I say busy, actually most of my time was spent playing video games, not something I usually have much interest in. However, last night, and the past few nights my job has involved playing this, and this, both of which are gratuitously violent and morally indefensible (the latter, in particular, is quite breathtakingly racist in tone) but also, I have to say, some of the best fun I’ve had in ages.
Also, one’s of you have been complaining about some of the content of this site being unavailable. This is because of these stingy cunts and their poxy 10MB bandwidth trap. This will, I promise, be rectified in time.
Come ‘05, this site is getting a major overhaul - getting ‘pimped’, if you will (TM X to the Z) - pimped truly in the MTV sense, meaning given a suitably blingin’ makeover, rather than in the Reality sense i.e. being forced to turn tricks for drug money under threat of (often sexual) violence and intimidation.
Ho ho, not that! Pimps, TV tells us, are dapper, streetwise dandies and their ‘bitches’ are, in fact, sass-talkin’, strong-willed career women (often with Hearts of Gold), striking a blow for 21st century post-feminists everywhere.
Have I reached the magic 1000 word limit yet? Yes I have, which officially makes this blog a ‘journal’, I believe. Astonishing panorama of the end-times indeed.
Violence for the people,
They always eat the hand that bleeds.
Violence for the people,
Give the kids what they need.
Kill your God,
Kill your TV.
Yes, I am 14.
Staying on the music tip, yesterday I earned the dubious honour of being recruited as ‘keyboards man’ in a ‘funk-rock’ band made up of three middle-aged German ex-pats. The details of how this came about are rather tedious but it’s not an entirely unwelcome prospect. Obviously I will be participating purely for irony’s sake, though this, of course, will be kept secret from my more earnest bandmates.
There’s a common belief that all German’s have horrendous taste in music. And that’s because they do. These guys strive to emulate the Toyota Corolla rock-stylings of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers. What’s the first thing you think of when you think about the German taste in music: it's Scooter or it's The Hoff.
And this, I think, is perplexing mainly because Germany is responsible for some of the best music of the past fifty years: Kraftwerk, Can, Faust, Mouse On Mars, and a whole host of ground-breaking electronica performers and DJ’s that you’ve probably never heard of. Even The Scorpions weren’t that bad. (They were actually, but I'm trying to make a Point here).
This gives me hope, in that it seems to suggest German’s are capable of making good music; they just don’t know how to listen to it.
Gosh, two whole paragraphs about Germans and not a single war joke. In case your were wondering this is because I am Jewish. Yes my friends, Anonymous is a big fat Jew. Just like Woody Allen and, uh, Pauly Shore.
Now get outta here you zhlub, before I call you a Mel Gibson-sympathiser and get your kid’s school blowed up!
Mood: Moody rappinghood.
Music: Right now, it’s ‘New New York’ by Tes, a tune that shits all over the Beastie’s geriatric beats. Next week expect a barely coherent email from a smack-addled Mike D complaining about some Internet guy slagging his band and calling him a heroin addict. Who said anything about a horse, junkie-boy? Hats off to Popworld, once again.
Thanking you for your patience.
I recently purchased some water biscuits from your Glasgow store and when I got them home and tried them in the bath, they simply broke apart. Please advise, as I am very unimpressed with the level of quality of your products.
Dear Mr XXX,
Thank you for your email. I am sorry that you have been disappointed with our water biscuits.
As I am sure you appreciate, they are not meant for the bath, therefore the problem you had is no reflection of their quality.
Many thanks, XXX
Marks & Spencer, Retail Customer Service
I can't believe your email came from the "customer services" department. Where is your customer service?! I am simply trying to point out a very fundamental flaw with your product... How can you say that they are "not meant for the bath"? We can't all afford to take them abroad to expensive beaches. I make do with what I have. I would appreciate if you could reply with a sensible solution.
Thank you, XXX.
Dear Mr XXX,
Thank you for your email. We are Retail Customer Services, based in Chester Business Park.
I'm sorry that you thought our response was not a sensible one, however I have checked with our department and they have explained that we only sell the biscuits in a pack of other cheese biscuits. As XXX said, these biscuits are to be eaten and not placed in the bath.
Traditionally these biscuits are to be eaten with cheese. Maybe you could try this.
Kind regards, XXX
Chambers Retail Customer Services
The Author as Himself as… ‘Anonymous’
Jared Leto as… ‘The Woman He Loved’
Token Black Guy as ‘Token Black Guy’
…and Asia Argento as… ‘Siobhan Fahey’!
Critics are calling it ‘… watchable’, ‘[not] without entertainment’, and ‘unfunny and derivative’.
- Steve at AsianFisting.com
‘Day Month Year… is irredeemably, inexcusably… great...’
- Adam at HentaiRapetoons.com
Day Month Year:
Coming Soon to a Video Shop/Mail-Order Catalogue near you!
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