'All she can do is dial and yell...'



A Personal Note

Mobi was the youngest of two kittens.

He was a joy to all who knew him.
Mobi found it very easy to make friends of all ages. He was born with many of the same traits that the older kitten had, but Mobi had a twist all his own. He was smart and sensitive like his brother but he had his own sense of style. He liked doing things his own way even if that meant being different from the rest of the crowd.

Needless to say we are all shocked and saddened by his death, but very relieved that if it was to happen... that it was here with us and not in a country far away.

Mobi loved to hunt and fish with his Dad and even took up bow-hunting. Mobi also loved nature and would often take walks back to the river behind our house to watch the eagles that nested there.
Mobi was very close to his brother and for the most part they all got along (the way that kittens do). Mobi didn't like being the youngest. He always wanted to do what the older kittens were doing. I would have to remind him that they were older and that he would be able to do those things when he was older.
But his comment was always the same... ‘they will always be older than me’.

Now after Mobi's death... we celebrate his LIFE and all he meant to all of us by sending him messages attached to balloons.

Mobi, you are sadly missed by all who knew you and you will never be forgotten.

I just felt I had to share that with you all.
Of course, I didn’t actually write any of that. I took one of the parent's tributes from here and just replaced ’murdered son’ with 'dead cat'. Pretty clever, huh?

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve the last bus to Hell to catch…

I hate Joss Stone. Like, a lot.

Do I have to draw you people a diagram?
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