'All she can do is dial and yell...'



Pimp my Child

So, this is my idea for a show where… ah, forget it.
While we’re on the subject of TV though, can we talk about this
? I’m completely behind Sue on this and really hope she does manage to give up the habit. And when she does I hope she gets hit by a fucking bus and that I never have to look at her greasy-ass face or listen to her estuary whine ever again.
Jesus, when did ads get so... patronising? I mean, look at this Dove Campaign for Real Beauty thing. Fit or fat? Grey or gorgeous? Who cares, bottom line is these women are too unattractive to be on television. If I want to admire femininity in its natural form I can easily cruise the checkouts, call centres and clap clinics the length and breadth of this fair land, but when I'm plugged into my televisual entertainment apparatus I only want to see properly good-looking people, OK?

Anyway, I've (obviously) nothing of any particular import to impart to you this evening so I'll keep it short, and indeed, relatively sweet. Hey, Day Month Year - now with added sugar. Oh, ain't sunshine pretty, ain't flowers stupid? Except when they're angry - then they are funny. If you want something serious and intelligent to read, read this (Estimated Reading Time: 9mins; Actual Reading Time: Almost three hours for me, spread out over six days). I'm a little slow it seems.
I'll see you, after class



Desperate Housebounds

This is my idea for a new TV comedy-cum-soap-opera: a satiric look at the (surprisingly active) sex lives of a group of care-in-the-community patients. Think of it as a cross between Sex and The City and a St. Vincent de Paul advert. Premieres this spring exclusively on Day Month Year. Viewers are advised that this program contains strong language, violence and scenes of cripple-on-crinkly sex from the start. Heather Locklear stars.

Today's Grievance: You just can't get a decent Appletini in this town.

That's right folks, Appletini's, the tipple beloved by J.D. from Scrubs and, uh, Har Mar Superstar. Vodka, Apple Tiechenne and Midori all shook up in a shakey-uppy thing and served in a poncey triangulated receptacle (see above), and garnished with a slice of apple. Pure class in a glass.

In other news, Anonymous dies! His hair. (Also Johnny Carson dyes! Of emphysema.)
Yes, this morning I coloured my hair a positively
Reznorian shade of black. 'Reznorian' really is a word I should use more often. That viscose mesh top you're wearing is very Reznorian. Oh, and the elevator boots too. The man could probably launch his own fashion empire: he certainly has the time, considering he hasn't released any, you know, music in the past six years. Why not cash in completely with the obligatory signature fragrance, 'Scent of Trent', a vaguely grimy musk with a not-too-subtle hint of Deep Mental Anguish.
Sigh. I used to worship Trent Reznor. Now I only worship
Jesus, and the sweet, sweet Methadone she brings me of a Sunday morning.

This entry fulfils my contractual obligation to post something here every week.

Mood: Slutty. 40% slutty anyway, according those analytic mavens over at the tawdry virtual meatmarket that is OkCupid. I've been on this thing for a week (view my Lying Profile of Lies here) and so far all the system has thrown up for me are a bunch of Swedish death metal heads and some creepy-looking computer geeks.
Still, compared to males my age I'm apparently less old-fashioned, more adventurous, more independent, and less loving. Hell, I'd date me. I'd probably end up marrying myself too and living miserably ever after on the Wisteria Lane of the mind. Come armageddon, come.

DDMMYY Soundsystem - Mc Solaar Totally Rocked my Back Sitting-Room, Bitches.

EDIT: From the first line: 'cum-soap'? I'm very, very sorry.



Flaming Squarepants

Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love that Big Gay Sponge.
I love this idea that Spongebob cound be a ‘bad role model’ and a ‘negative influence’ on children. Personally I think that if your kids are modelling themselves on a cartoon sponge then there are probably greater issues there to be worried about.

Anyway, dedicated readers of this journal may notice that this is my first communiqué in over a week. The more critical amongst you will no doubt also have detected a marked decrease in the quality of the journal overall since, oh, late October last year.
I know, I know, it’s all gone to shit but then that was always the plan from the beginning. It’s kind of a bastard approximation of Metzger’s ‘auto-destructive’ principle of aesthetics which you can read about here. Whenever I get around to completing my blogging manifesto, outlining the underlying philosophies of public anonymity and orphaned art, I’ll publish it here and, all going to plan, this journal will internally self-combust and vanish forever into the ether(net). Or maybe it will break apart and the bits will just float in the great online limbo, ghosts of former life, random nodes of information eternally passing through.
My name is Anonymous and I’m a walking Situationist prank. Gotcha! Like that grotesque gnome-man Noel Edmonds, and I know the funny like it showed up on my doorstep the day of my birthday claiming to be my biological father.

Hmm, bullshit level higher than usual today. Time for a short rant about the medical profession.
Anyone who knows me is probably aware of my pathological mistrust of Western medicine - the Great Satan. After all, it couldn’t save Superman; what hope do we have? I simply refuse to take any remedy that hasn’t been drawn from ground-up weeds or crushed flower petals. Anything else, as far as I’m concerned, is dehumanising and against nature.
Alternative medicine has its critics too though, like the famously dead John Diamond who expired in a hospital bed in 2001, pumped full of anti-b’s and hooked up to every bip-bleeping apparatus going, all the while his sexpot wife Nigella was off banging the patron saint of BritArt and noted taste-vacuum Charles Saatchi.
How d’ya like them apples, Diamond?!

Anyway, for various reasons I have had many dealings with medical types over the past two weeks. Mostly A+E staff who, I will say, are truly great people and if this world were just, would be earning more than the Pope and Tony Hawk put together. No, my grievance is with the people at the top of the chain - dickhead consultants rolling like swine in shit-tainted kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies, happy to prescribe anything to anyone if it will secure another four-day-weekend conference/golf tournament in the Caribbean.
I had the misfortune of having to attend (as a patient) one of these earlier in the week, paying him nearly a weeks worth of my wages for a session, only to be asked to leave after ten minutes. Feeling uncharacteristically bolshy that day I insisted on staying in his office for forty minutes until I felt I had gotten something approaching value for money. And yeah, you can bet his secretary got an earful. Sure, I know it’s not really her fault, but she’s complicit in this. Eichmann was only following orders too Gwen, you over made-up, tumours-for-brains phone-jockey.

Consultants are bad people. But not as bad as people in cafes who ask if the coffee is Fair Trade. I’m sure there are lower forms of life than these, but they’re probably stewing away in petri dishes in a laboratory somewhere. I hate these people: coffee-shop-fascists flashing their grubby liberal middle-class values around like a thrift-shop pashmina or an Aldi bag-for-life.
Seriously, who gives a shit? Coffee could come from fucking Greenland for all I care. I don’t know much about ‘fair trade’ or ‘world politics’ except what I gets from t’internet and Hitchens’ monthly aneurysms in Vanity Fair but it would seem to me what these loser countries need is more ground-level investment rather than one-way ‘fair’ trade which just continues the West’s great tradition of raping Third World resources.
And besides, coffee tastes so much better when it’s sweetened with the blood of the unpaid workers. Here’s to getting a decent cappuccino at under a fiver and at untold human cost. Sounds like a bargain to me.

Anyway, on a lighter note: suicide and child abuse.
A very long conversation on suicide with some colleagues last night threw up some interesting points, amongst all the usual half-chewed carrots and digestive fluids. Someone I knew as a child committed suicide this Christmas and one of the questions raised was whether increased media coverage and general openness in discussing suicide implicitly condones or endorses the act as an acceptable life-choice?
I’m not sure it does. Take child abuse (well, obviously don’t take it if you actually are a child. Tell a grown-up - preferably one who works at the News of the World). A couple of years ago, and especially during the early 90’s when churches were being shut down and priests interred to labour camps, you couldn’t move for media coverage; at the time it seemed child abuse was on everybody’s lips (must... resist... joke).

And increased media visibility in this instance had the exact opposite effect.
Public opinion was whipped into a frenzy, something we saw again last week in Cork: the tabloid-fuelled paedo-panic, the subsequent shameless grief-binge, and the almost begrudging acknowledgement that the person arrested for this crime wasn’t some monstrous, mac-clad Uncle Charlie figure but a guy who (it appears) made a horrible mistake, and one that will have consequences for him and his family for years to come.
In the case of suicide, increased visibility has produced a less clearly defined public opinion. Previously suicides would be reported as ‘accidental deaths’ or not reported at all, and funeral services, if there were any, were brief and dispassionate. I heard that the boy who lived on my road had killed himself from a neighbour I met in the frozen foods aisle in Tesco.

I’m not really sure what I’m trying to get at here. I do think it’s better that something as devastating and bewildering as suicide is being discussed.
‘Raising awareness’ is an embarrassingly PC non-phrase used to excuse campaigns and policies that shine a floodlight on an issue without offering anything in the way of suggestion or solution. But maybe awareness is what needs to be raised here; when the Big Question of suicide is brought out in the open maybe it can drag out some of those dark, ugly thoughts that might bring a potential suicide to consider death a life-choice - that is, the ultimate life-choice, choosing death - in the first place, generating dialogue - and income for armchair psychotherapists such as myself.
Just some food for thought, undercooked and sloppily prepared as it is.

Peace out.

This entry is dedicated to all of the dead kids around the world. And to the memory of John Diamond and Christopher Reeve. And McLusky. And William Shatner, just because.

Mood: Reflective.

Music: Gone a bit folky this evening. Normally I have an allergic reaction to acoustic singer-songwriter stuff but this is in a different class. ‘Haunting’ is an adjective bandied about a lot by lazy muso-hacks slobbering over Damien Rice, the Argos Leonard Cohen. But for Gravenhurst it’s entirely apropos: ‘The Diver’ and the instrumental ‘East of The City’ in particular.

Quiet is the new loud. Quite.



Wank Art



Art Wank

Yeah, and I were bored this morning so I done some paintings.

After Lautrec. 2005. Acrylics on canvas. h355 x w254 mm.

Living Cat. 2005. Acrylics on canvas. h355 x w254 mm.

Untitled (To the Citizens of the Republic of NYC). 2005. Acrylics on canvas. h254 x w355 mm.


Martin Who? Scorcese What?

Hola! From a vertiginous voodoo love-shack at the top of a very tall tree overlooking Kamikaze Park: This... is The News

(Joke to Serious Ratio - 1:3)

Got back there on Saturday evening after yet another delay, the result of some of the bizarre weather-related happenings in this country over the past week - tornadoes, blackouts, rapid desertification in Tipperary, Leitrim underwater etc.
This second delay necessitated a mammoth seven hour (!) stopover in Shannon airport, a butt-numbingly boring experience enlivened only by the sudden arrival into the same holding area of a planeload of US troops. I certainly cut a lonely figure sitting there, lazily flipping through last month’s Esquire with one hand and holding a homemade No Blood For Oil poster in the other.

If I could be serious for a moment though, it was actually quite a sobering spectacle to see so many of them rush immediately to the pay-phones to call home. Many were crying. Others spent the time standing huddled in small groups or sitting alone and simply staring into space. There was no macho backslapping or frat-boy bonhomie. These men were afraid.

Anyway, there’s not really a whole lot I could write about New York that hasn’t been said before.
Basically, I think it’s great city - not necessarily my favourite holiday, but without doubt my favourite destination. I can’t wait to get back there - so much so that I am looking into doing postgrad study (like, in pretty much anything) at Columbia or NYU. Without wanting to go over the top, I’ll say I felt at home in the city; even strolling through supposedly ‘bad’ neighbourhoods such as Washington Heights and Clinton (formerly Hell’s Kitchen) after dark, with thugged-out FUBU-uniformed hustlers on the street corners and prostitutes calling from the alleyways, I felt safer than I would in Dublin at any time of the day.

I understand now why Woody Allen has made a career of writing love letters to New York - though not why he married his step-daughter - and why so many artists, musicians and film-makers are so enamoured of its charms.
It really is something more than a city, as evidenced by the global outpouring of grief post-9/11. By contrast, Europe just doesn’t register in the American news media. The entire continent could implode and the fact would only get a brief mention after a half-hour report on the latest Ashlee Simpson debacle. Hence, my only contact with the news last week came from watching The Daily Show and Late Night with Conan O’Brien, two shows that terrestrial TV over here really needs to get a hold of, instead of peddling us vapid, overhyped airspace-waste like Joey or Desperate Housewives.

I did visit Ground Zero (incidentally the name of a website I used to have pre-2001) and was struck by just how low-key it is. (Unfortunately, in some ways) there’s no tacky merchandise, no guided tours speaking in hushed tones about the nation’s tragedy, no sentimental memorials. Just a couple of plaques showing a history of the site and a list of those who died.
Ground Zero is just there, people pass by it every day, and a brash designer discount store is right across the road. I’m not usually the type to be taken aback by things but aback I was taken by this. It impressed me greatly, dare I say, it moved me. Moved me into the store over the street to exercise my hard-earned Freedom and stick it to the terrorists by spending $100 on a scarf!
In your face, democracy-haterz! It is a very nice scarf.

Anyway, my trip to the most famous city in the world had me meeting only one real-life celebrity. Two if you count the day I thought I spotted Chloe Sevigny (on closer inspection it was just a pile of old rags). Who I did meet was Billie Joe Armstrong, dreamboat lead singer of SoCal beat combo Green Day!
Don't believe me? Just look at the evidence*!

Billie and me at the WTC Site.

Billie and me at the Lewis Carroll monument in Central Park.

Billie and me at a pornography store buying pornography on West 52nd and Broadway.

Convinced? Well, don’t be so sure. Truth be told those are just elaborate mock-ups, created using a sophisticated image-handling tool called
MS Paint.
But I bet I had you fooled!

* Apologies for the low quality of these pictures and the general low quality of the ‘joke’ overall.

I did really meet Billie Joe Armstrong though.
It was in a funky boutique in the East Village where I was the only customer. I had been browsing for about five minutes when suddenly cameras arrived and I was asked by a smiley lady in a business suit to sign a waiver licensing my image to appear on MTV. Well hell, you don’t need to ask me twice when instant TV fame and fortune is handed to me on a plate (well, a clipboard)!
As it happens, all that was required of me was that I browse discreetly in the background while some glorified microphone stand threw out some head-spinningly inane questions to Billie.

‘So, like, at the shows do you, like, you know, uh, feel that the crowd are, like, uh, really feeling it and stuff, like they’re into it, you know, and, uh, you’re, like, you’re feeling that and, like, you’re reacting to, uh, what they’re, like, feeling and stuff?’

Unsurprisingly, these ‘questions’ had to be interpreted for Billie by a svengali manager type with a fake-sounding English accent and a silly goatee (I am not making this up), who encouraged Billie to ‘freestyle’ more and to ‘riff’ on certain suggested ideas and themes.
The whole thing lasted about ten minutes and was very embarrassing for all concerned, particularly me as I had to stand around pretending to be interested in some over-priced Clash memorabilia and ignoring the idiocy going on in front of me. Billie’s very small and boyish looking in person, with a perpetually worried look on his face and I think I have a newfound respect for the kind of nonsense celebrities have to endure to maintain fame.

Speaking of which, what’s this? In my absence it seems Morrissey the Great has taken to attending premieres. Good for him, I say, though I’m not sure I approve of the tie, or the somewhat unsightly Getty Images facial tattoo he’s sporting.

WARNING: In-blog movie review to follow. Interest level falling... falling…

Saw The Aviator last night.
It’s sort of alright, I suppose. DiCaprio tries hard, squinting and frowning a lot, but just doesn’t convince as an adult performer. The movie is carried by its starry supporting cast, in particular Saint Blanchett and John C. ‘The Man’ Reilly. But for fucks sake, does Jude Law have to be in every movie? He’s becoming some kind of Zelig character, popping up all over the place, stinking up the screen with his medium talent and plastic-pretty features.

I’m not a fan of biopics in general, and there’s nothing especially remarkable about The Aviator, except perhaps that it’s directed by Martin Scorcese, an old master who hasn’t made a decent film in ten years (fifteen, if you exclude Casino, and I wouldn’t blame you if you did). Still he’s afforded ‘legend’ status regardless, just like Oliver Stone, director of U-Turn, Heaven and Earth, and now Alexander the Wrote-Off.
And no less than three people I overheard last night credited Scorcese with directing the Godfather trilogy. The world is a scary, scary place.

Consider normal service offically resumed for another 365.



Back in Traction

Sidewalk! Gun crime! Hamburger! Warhol!
Guess what, America: We Y You.

(End of message)




This could only happen to me. Me, and 599 other people.
From the above article (link probably time-sensitive):

‘Dozens of families were clearing up storm debris tonight after a ‘mini-tornado’ damaged around 100 houses in the Irish Republic…. There were 80mph winds at Dublin Airport which caused two parked planes to collide…. The nose of one aircraft suddenly struck the body of the adjacent aircraft under its wing area.
Passengers had been due to embark on one plane and depart for New York via Shannon. Up to 600 transatlantic passengers were being accommodated in hotels overnight while Aer Lingus arranged alternative aircraft tomorrow’.

The real story is that the pilot of one of the planes was high on crack and was having sex with one of the cabin-boys at the time. Pass it on.

Normal service… is just so last year.


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