'All she can do is dial and yell...'




Some brief movie reviews:

Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Not bad, this. Overlong though, and, on the whole, rather aimless - like a lot of Judd Apatow-related movies there's plenty of scenes that could easily have been trimmed down or perhaps excised completely. Russell Brand is good, as is Veronica Mars and that one from That 70's Show is suitably adorable. Still, it's somewhat telling that the interviews Brand and Bell did to promote the film are a million times funnier than the film itself.

The Lookout
Also, sadly, on the average side. My somewhat unhealthy obsession with Joseph Gordon-Levitt led me track this one down. It has some interesting ideas and is generally well acted but the wheels well and truly come off towards the end. The pretty lady who used to be in Home And Away - seemingly an integral character to the story - disappears without explanation and the conditions of Levitt's 'neurological impairment' seem to change every ten minutes.

In Bruges
This is great. Go see this now. Sharply written, brilliantly performed (even by Farrell), with a story that never goes exactly where you expect it to. The trailer - and indeed the entire marketing campaign - seem contrived to make it look like the worst movie in the history of filmed entertainment (and indeed, encouraged me to avoid the thing for the short amount of time it was on show here) but it is, by my reckoning, an early contender for the best movie of 2008 so far.

The Ruins
Like this, only not as scary.

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