'All she can do is dial and yell...'





Which is this guy and this guy and some other guys performing at a 'Battle Of The Bands' event type thing last night in Dublin. A 'Battle Of The Bands' they subsequently went on to win. Of course, this means they've now become 'too popular' for me to like anymore so this is probably the last you'll hear of them on this blog. Still, they really were very good. Not exactly what you would call my usual 'bag' - no synthesisers, no drum machines, no androgynous frontperson barking robotic (possibly German-accented) commands into a vocoder - but a superb thirty minutes of music nonetheless. What little we heard of their competition on the night adhered so slavishly to the Today FM-playlisted 'modern rock' archetype that it may as well have had the Harvey Norman guy yelling about plasma screens in between songs. Liam sounds like he makes music because making music is what he likes to do. I look forward to hearing what he/they do next, if only so I can mutter darkly about how they've 'sold out' and are no longer '4REAL'. In summation, a splendid evenings entertainment. Well done everybody.
Proper update next week.

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.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...
What he said?
What bar was it by the way?
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...
Man, they're sexy.

Is it true they're playing again Thursday May 3rd from 8pm downstairs in Kennedy's Westland Row?
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