'All she can do is dial and yell...'




I never realised what a Scouse knacker Steven Gerrard is. I suppose the fact that he actually plays for, y'know, Liverpool should have been a clue. But when I heard him speak today - on some washing powder ad - I was quite taken aback by his accent. I remember reading an interview with him in Esquire or something - he was on the cover with Walliams and that Franz Ferdinand dude - supposedly representing some 21st century vanguard of British cool. He seemed like a thoroughly decent - albeit interminably boring - chap so it was a bit of a surprise to hear him talking like some Harry Enfield caricature. Anyway, why am I talking about Steven Gerrard? Because I'm totally fucking bored, that's why. I'm in work - alone - with nothing to do except eat Rice Krispie buns and abuse my company's broadband connection. Can you believe there's a site that reviews Rice Krispie buns? Mind-boggling, utterly so. At least Veronica Mars is on soon. I've updated the [BETAMAXNOMATES] MySpace Abomination; musically I think I've hit a bit of a wall, a creative block, what our continental neighbours might call an impasse. I'm not likely to accomplish much of anything today - at least not until six o' clock when I might be called upon to do some actual, y'know, 'work'. I think we're going to see Nacho Libre tonight. I'm not optimistic: the trailer looks painfully unfunny and was I the only one who thought Napoleon Dynamite was a complete crock of shit? Apparently so. Laterzzz...

Still bored. I'd give Nacho Libre two stars. Negative stars.

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