'All she can do is dial and yell...'




Hmm. S'pose I should write something then.
Hello everyone, I'm back again. Even though I (twice!) swore that I wouldn't, I'm back on the wagon. Or off it, whichever way you look at it. Either way it's gonna end up with me booze-bloated, bleary-eyed and tearful - shirtfront streaked with vomit - sheepishly promising 'never to let this happen again'. Again. I should probably apologise in advance as I suspect this blog isn't going to be very good - [BETAMAXNOMATES] was pretty rubbish frankly, but then that barely had ten entries overall. My plan is to update this one more frequently - I'm stressing quantity over quality here - and with an emphasis on more abstract topics rather than 'stuff that happened to me today retold in stock "ironic" fashion'. (Quotes within quotes there: we're off to a flying start). Basically, I'm not convinced my day-to-day life is all that interesting, whatever amount of cod-surrealist accoutrements I might throw in post-hoc. Like when anyone asks me, 'Any news?' (or the infinitely more irksome, 'Any craic?'), I'm always stumped as what to say. 'Umm, tried out that auto-erotic asphyxiation thing there yesterday. Wasn't for me.' Or, 'Craic? Loads! Had me one of those Dairylea Lunchables, yeah, but I didn't make it up like the cow said on the box, I put Nutella on them 'cos I'm mad, me!'
So maybe my ambitions (if you could describe them as such - I've always subscribed to the idea of aiming - not low - but obscure, that way no one will actually understand if you've succeeded or not) are more, shall we say, 'journalistic' this time around. I'm going to try, I suppose, to write about stuff, rather than just chronicling my life with Family Guy references. Stuff I like, stuff I don't (lots of that *LoLLerCAUST!!!!1*) and whatever in between - Big Brother probably. Anyway, enough 'pre', more 'amble'. This is my first of (hopefully) many entries on homogenizedcheeseproduct, presupposing that I don't suddenly spiral into catatonic depression and decide that nothing in my life has meaning... not *sniff* even... blogging. But what are the odds of that happening? Again?
Also, for those that are interested, the [BETAMAXNOMATES] MySpace Abomination has been updated, with four new songs added. I'll eventually get around to redesigning that page but I must say it's a somewhat damning indictment of artisitc democracy that the corporate default design is actually the least aesthetically obnoxious - in fact compared to most peoples 'efforts' (and I don't even have to provide links here - the word 'MySpace' itself suggests nightmarish flashes of purples and greens, oversized text flying at the screen like a crazed fever dream, disorienting rollovers, a garishly-patterned, poorly-coded debasement of civilisation as we know it *HUGZ*) - Tom's understated blue and white is almost... quite nice actually. Not at all an inspiration for this site. Still, in the end doesn't it all just come down to homogenized cheese?
The answer, of course, is 'no'.


Being right suits me so well. I've missed you, sniffle.
Can I call you sniffle too?

Note how I never took you off my links section (I can say that in all safety now, knowing it's too late for anyone to now check whether I linked to you while you were defunct). Not because I knew you'd be back, but because I thought your 8 or so entries were more worthy of a link than about 76% of the rest of the internet.

Give or take a couple of percent.
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