'All she can do is dial and yell...'




And so the stage is set for my tastefully low-key return to the ignominious business of blogwriting: my already tired and disappointing follow-up to the acclaimed Ddmmyy. I'm not sure exactly why I'm bothering with this, though an excess of free time and a newly-acquired internet connection seem likely motivational factors. And I don't know entirely what this blog will come to consist of - put your money on some tired and disappointing retreads of old ground - or what I want to achieve with it. Inevitably I will try and do something different, something novel, with this one and inevitably I will fail. Inevitably then I will throw a big-girl hissy fit disguised as artistic transfiguration or 'necessary catharsis' and inevitably, ultimately, nobody will care.
Which is to say, hello, and welcome to
[BETAMAXNOMATES]. If you're reading this you are probably already acquainted with me in what only the deeply deluded could still refer to as 'The Real World', so an introduction seems redundant. I live and work in Maynooth, which is a rapidly expanding industrial estate just a short distance from Dublin. My spare time is spent making music, watching daytime TV and generally hastening my complete withdrawal from public life. I collect unrealistic ambitions and broken dreams: I have an unvarnished homemade trophy cabinet half-full of them now.
This has got off to a bad start. Dies ist der Anfang vom Ende.

> King Dinner

underneath all that jade and apathy your'e just a big ol' teddy bear

or not..

sacrifice yourself for us

in the words of the immortal axel rose(yeh):

"I wanna watch you bleed"


"welcome to the jungle"

we want to see you on your

"knees-knees... shah na na knees, knees..."
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