'All she can do is dial and yell...'




Read this.
More or less sums up the sorry state of television comedy today. How a show like this can get cancelled whilst wincingly unfunny and insulting dross like this is commissioned is beyond me. Out sheer morbid curiosity I watched 5 minutes of Space Cadets this evening and was duly appalled by the utter shoddiness of it all. As a 'social experiment' it is thoroughly without worth and as a comic reality show it's an unmitigated disaster - though probably the presence of 'Lad TV' dinosaur Johnny Vaughan, followed by the Topshop comedy stylings of Alex Zane(y) on E4, should have given some indication as to the kind of mean-spirited bilge that was to come. I just fail to see the point of it all: a couple of stooges are conned into thinking they've been shot into space - cue the 'Big Reveal' - then the same contestants are actually flown to NASA to experience zero gravity for real. I mean, why bother with the show at all? So for a few weeks we can snicker at these cretins prance about a disused military base in Surrey and congratulate ourselves for never being so gullible as to be taken in by a cheap obnoxious hoax masquerading as entertainment, sounding the death knell for a channel already blighted by fetid Jimmy Carr-fronted rot and puerile reality cack?
One small step for man, one fucking clangourous debacle for mankind. TV off.

I was not aware that you could make your own podcasts. This makes things interesting. Get back to me on this 'Ger'.
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