'All she can do is dial and yell...'




Hello, and welcome to the last ever Ddmmyy.
(I'll pause a moment just to savour that subsonic tsunami of indifference). Anyway, as I was saying, this is the last entry I'm going to post to this journal. Ever the optimist, I'll imagine that some of you, somewhere, are asking why, how come, what gives? Well I'll tell you: I'm bored. Very, very, very bored. Bored of blogs and blogging and everything that entails. I'm just not interested in writing a blog anymore, and, increasingly, I'm less interested in reading them. If I could be pretentious for just a moment, the 'blog form' as is no longer holds any interest for me. As far as I'm concerned it's a dead art (considering its relative recency it's practically fucking stillborn). I'm sick of blogs. I've had my fill of tedious unidimensional rants, of cynical dilettantes straining to shock, and of narcissistic pseudo-surrealist me-so-crazee shit whimsy passing for humour. And I'm sick of the slang vernacular, the posting etiquette, the whole fucking bullshit practice of blogging - the backslapping, the shout-outs, the comment-box circle-jerking. And the irony - don't get me started on the irony! - the ferric parentheses enclosing every utterance - 'IT'S OK I'M BEING IRONIC LOLZ' - the useless, toothless sarcasm, the constant, constant recycling of pop-culture references, jokes relentlessly rehashed and reheated until any humour is evaporated and a barely readable greyish sludge is all that remains. Enough. No more. No mas.
Of course, perceptive readers peering just beyond the literal will probably have figured out that I'm actually bemoaning the state of this blog as much as (in fact, more than) anyone else's. To be blunt, I really fucking hate this blog and everything about it, so I'm not going to write it anymore. So there. I am however working on something else web-based that should be up some time over the summer; until then, all communication will be via
Anyway my friends, this, as they say, is it. I wish I could say it's been fun. It hasn't.

Thank you, goodnight, and God bless.

Not your friend anymore.

/me cries
All will be revealed, my friend, all will be revealed...
Or maybe nothing will be revealed, who knows. Perhaps it will be so far under the radar that no one will even notice. Maybe its already here... (its not really. I'm just trying to sound mysterious.) At the moment though I'm comminted to my campaign of invading internet cafes across the country with a megaphone bellowing 'EVERYTHING IS SHIT EVERYTHING YOU LIKE IS REALLY SHIT'.
Oh c'mon! We all knew that blogging was an obnoxious fad from the beginning, right? That was the whole charm. Ultimately everything seems boring, formulaic, shallow and pointless. Blogging is all of these things, but fun, too.

But if you're going to get all huffy about it, then so be it. Serves you right for taking things too seriously.
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