Love is a funny old game, one of two halves, but not played on a field.
Love is saying thank you in goals.
Love is St. Valentine’s Day, an amnesty for stalkers to post love-threats anonymously.
Love is a WMD.
Love is scrubbing the blood from the bathtub.
Love is what’s left behind after.
Love is six Lidl beers and The Smiths.
Love is devious, truculent and unreliable.
Love is a many-splendoured Morrisseyean joke.
Love is a fizz-fucking, cock-obvious compote of over-egged bull cannelloni.
Love is a musical greeting card.
Love is a child with flies in his eyes.
Love is the smell of wet towels.
Love is emotional blackmail.
Love is not hitting the face.
Love is taking advantage.
Love is uraqt.
Love is bigger than Jesus.
Love is the hazelnut ones nobody likes that get left in the box.
Love is bad freeform poetry.
Love is natural and love is real, but not for the likes of you and me etc.
Love is directed by Richard Curtis.
Love is just something people say.
Love is Clive Owen in Closer when he says that a heart looks like a fist wrapped in blood.
Love is a word that doesn't rhyme well.
Love is blind, and love is deaf.
Love is dumb.
Love is lobotomised.
Love is gr8.
Love is two naked eight-year olds that are married.
Love is refusing to accept that we all die alone.
Love is gay.
Love is selfish and unpatriotic.
Love is want.
Love is wadded cash between greased tits.
Love is a useless noun and a wanky verb.
Love is a breath through the neck of a corpse.
Love is being lied to until your heart rejects truth.
Love is a four-letter word.
Anonymous -- Croutons are off.