'All she can do is dial and yell...'



Clip-on Soul

I see dead people.
In my dreams, when I close my eyes, I see them. It goes like this: I’m alone in the home for the autistic where I’m working. In every room of the house one of the clients lies dead. I’m panicked, running from room to room, trying in vain to revive them.
I know my boss is coming soon and he’ll be disappointed to see that I’ve let each of the clients in my care die. Eventually, I resort to propping them up on the sofa, strapping their limp bodies to kitchen chairs and resting plates of food on their laps in a macabre parody of a jovial midday luncheon.
It’s like Awakenings meets Weekend At Bernies.

This is my dream and I’ve been having it on and off for the past couple of nights.
As dreams go, this one’s fairly straightforward. I’m scared of failing at my new job, that I won’t be able to cut it. Psychoanalytically, dreaming of death is an unconscious reflection of an anxiety regarding change – very rarely does it refer to a literal death, past or future. True dat - except that Freud once took cocaine and had a low opinion of women and so therefore everything he ever wrote is

This is all a bit web diarist, isn’t it? Thought I’d throw it in anyway, just to mix things up, personalise it a bit, put a human face to the clip-on soul. Anyway.

Normal service will resume… whenever I feel like it.

You talk to food?
'Inside I'm Dying'

A comic tale of care-home negligence starring the wheelchair bound Richard Pryor and the Parkinsonian Michael J. Fox - with a cameo from the late Christopher Reeve as 'The Boss'.

You'll be incapacitated with laughter.
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