'All she can do is dial and yell...'



This is The News

Hello, and welcome to my new blog. I say new - I didn't have an old one, just a series of monologues running in my head now transferred to HTML. So welcome to the inside of my head. It's all spongy and warm in there. Take a seat.

I'm fairly certain that anyone who actually reads this will already be acquainted with me in The Real World so I'll skimp on the introductions.
I have a name, but won't be using it here for artistic distancing reasons, and because, basically, I don't trust you, or your people.
I live in a town called
Celbridge which is a slum just outside Dublin. Most of my life's time is spent working, or rather attending my place of work - a department store in a chav shopping centre. It's like that concentration camp guy says: life is sweet.

In spare moments I make stuff up: lies mostly, but also music, graphics, conceptual art pieces, shit like that. I plan to use this blog thing to further inflict my art product on the world once I can procure a suitable host.
What else? I once shouted racist abuse at
Chesney Hawkes in a pub toilet. I read stuff I find on the buses - working class newspapers and the like - and am wont to dispense useful psychological advice free of charge to my fellow patrons.

I'm at home today, catching up with my online persona and listening to
Shakespeare's Sister. I love Siobhan Fahey and when I grow up I'm going to marry her.

Goodbye cruel world.

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